Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Kohl's looks for student scholarship nominations

Young volunteers between the ages of 6 and 18 can now be nominated for scholarships available through the Kohl's Cares Scholarship Program.

The department store chain will award almost $400,000 in scholarships and prizes to more than 2,300 young  people who have positively impacted their communities, according to a news release.

To be entered, students have to ask someone 21 or older nominate them online at www.kohlskids.com by March 14.

Two nominees from each of Kohl's stores nationwide (that's more than 1,100 stores) will win a $50 gift card, and almost 200 students will win regional $1,000 scholarships toward higher education. Ten national winners will receive $10,000 for college, and the company will donate $1,000 to a nonprofit of each winner's choice.